Pudełko na talię Czarne na karty Leuchtturm Deck Box
Pudełko (Deck Box) Leuchtturm
Wymiary wewnętrzne 70 x 92 x 45 mm
Mieści 100 kart w protektorach lub bez nich.
Kolor czarny.
Posiada przekładkę.
Wykonane z plastiku.
Fabrycznie nowe, ofoliowane.
Opis producenta:
The TCG deck box is the perfect accessory for trading card collectors and players who wish to keep their cards in pristine condition.
You can store your cards in the sleeves without having to compromise on size and protection. The deck box is made from water-repellent material to protect your trading cards from getting damp or damaged from other external influences. No matter whether you are taking your trading cards to a tournament, or simply storing them, you can be assured that your trading cards will remain in pristine condition.
Its understated and timeless design makes it an elegant addition to your collection and for your games. The TCG deck box combines functionality and style and provides the best possible storage and display for your trading cards.
Inner size: 70 x 92 x 45 mm (2 3/4 x 3 5/8 x 1 3/4)
- For all tradig cards with or without sleeves
It measures 92 x 70 x 45 mm and can hold up to 100 trading cards. No matter whether you store your cards in sleeves, or not, this box is the perfect choice for protecting your collection.